Posted in Photography

A photo challenge: No viewfinder day

Some time ago Tim started a street photography challenge and is posting his images in his blog.

As he was heading out this morning he asked if I’d like to join him. Street photography is not really my thing, but I thought ‘why not’.

This week’s task was “to spend half a day taking photos without using your viewfinder or the back of your camera. Just stick the camera out in front of you and see what happens.” [I just took that straight from Tim’s blog!] It’s what photographer Mark Cohen calls “grab shots” and it was something completely new to me – not the way I generally take photos.

We spent an hour or so wondering along Glenferrie Rd in Malvern and I have to admit that it was really fun. I was using a camera I hadn’t used before, but part of the brief was to have the camera set up in a particular way and that made it easier. I didn’t have to think about aperture or shutter speed or focal point. I obviously need a lot of work on getting this style ‘right’ but it was a fun project to do.

I’m always amazed at how Tim and I can shoot in the same place and come back with very different images.

Here are mine:


I like to travel and take photographs. I like to blog about both.

2 thoughts on “A photo challenge: No viewfinder day

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