Posted in Life, Melbourne, Writing


I came across Angelina in the city, sitting on an upturned milk crate, a typewriter in front her and a sign saying “I’ll write you a poem while you wait”.

Now that’s an offer I couldn’t refuse!

Angelina asked me for a word and as I’m doing a Faces of Melbourne project on Instagram, that became my ‘word’. So here is Angelina’s poem:

Faces of Melbourne

A sea of people in the corners
of a chessboard city,
passing lives,
drifting stories,
and suddenly – Poetry.
A gift of the briefest meeting
A moment of contact, sweeter
for its fleeting nature.
It is our faces, here
in the place where worlds collide
down the length of the patient Yarra
the ancient dirt beneath
our concrete kingdom,
and we.



I like to travel and take photographs. I like to blog about both.

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